Major Differences Between Static Voltage Stabilizers and Servo Voltage Stabilizers
Having the correct idea of a product empowers you to make the right
choice. While purchasing a stabilizer, you may get confused which one
is better, servo voltage stabilizer or static voltage
stabilizer? To help you not get in such confusion, we will discuss
with you the main differences between a servo voltage and static
voltage stabilizer.
Correction Time
A static voltage stabilizer's low rectification time is 20 to 30
milliseconds. It is because of the high voltage correction speed. On
the other hand, a servo stabilizer's adjustment time ranges from 50
milliseconds to 5 seconds.
Auto Bypass facility
You can find it easy to give auto bypass facility in the static
voltage stabilizer. Furthermore, this type of stabilizer can exchange
to bypass without breaking the voltage of the output.
When it comes to servo voltage stabilizer, it
can be tough for you to give auto bypass system into it. Even if you
give the bypass facility, it won't be an ideal thing.
Voltage Correction Speed
There is no moving part in the static voltage stabilizer. You can
find an electronic circuit in it to change the voltage in this type
of stabilizer. This way the high voltage redress of static stabilizer
is higher than of a servo one. The range of voltage redress rate can
be from 360 to 50 voltages per sec.
On the flip side, you get a moving
servo engine in the servo voltage stabilizer.
It helps this stabilizer to accomplish rectification in voltage. This
stabilizer is an electromechanical gadget. This way the voltage
rectification speed of it is slower than of a static voltage
As mentioned above, there is a
moving engine in the servo voltage stabilizer.
There can be some tears in it, so there is need of proper
maintenance. A static stabilizer has a static voltage regulator.
Hence, it does not need maintenance.
A DSP control board is responsible to sense the input and output
voltages constantly in the static voltage stabilizer. IGBT current
and burden present play a significant role in operating this
stabilizer. If there is a short out at output of this stabilizer, you
can find the current increasing high. DSP does the job of sensing it
and it cuts output. IGBT power stage also gets switched off by it. It
helps in clearing the over current shortcoming.
This way a static stabilizer can clear the over current shortcoming
rapidly. You don’t need to include any additional equipment in it
for the same.
The case is not same with the servo voltage stabilizer. Hence,
to clear the over current shortcoming you have to use an additional
equipment such as MCCB, CB or any other.
In servo voltage stabilizer, you can fix the voltages by expanding or
diminishing the number of twisting. It is done with the help of shaft
of servo engine. This way the voltages get increased and decreased in
the transformer. So, a servo engine is responsible for controlling
voltages in this type of stabilizer.
On the other hand, having good quality of IGBT power stage makes a
static voltage stabilizer reliable. In general static IGBT power is
better than electromechanical servo engine. It makes the static
stabilizer more reliable than a servo voltage stabilizer.
So, these were some differences between a static voltage stabilizer
and servo voltage stabilizer. Hope it was helpful. You can
share your views with us in the comments.
Labels: Digital Voltage Stabilizer, Industrial Voltage Stabilizer, Servo Voltage Stabilizer
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